Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Jessica Simpson Launches Book-of-the-Year Club

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LOS ANGELES – Jessica Simpson believes Oprah’s Book Club puts too much pressure on its members. In a recent Maxim interview Ms. Simpson declared, “People who lead active lives don’t have time to read a book every month. What with going to the gym and the tanning salon, getting manicures, pedicures, and bikini waxes, shopping for clothes and going to clubs, most people are lucky if they can squeeze in one book a year.”

That, Gentle Reader, is why Ms. Simpson is launching Jessica Simpson’s Book-of-the-Year Club. As its title implies, the club is open to anyone willing to take the time to read one book in a calendar year.

This “more practical” reading schedule is not the only way in which Jessica Simpson’s Book-of-the-Year Club differs from Oprah’s Book Club. Those joining Ms. Simpson’s club will be allowed to choose their own books.

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“I don’t think anybody should tell people what to read,” said Ms. Simpson, whose new single, “Public Affair,” is creating a stir on the Yahoo! Buzz Index. “If you’re old enough to read, you’re old enough to pick your own book—and if you don’t want to pick a book, then a magazine will do.”

This last is a bold step among book clubs, a step that Ms. Simpson believes is long overdue.

“You’d be amazed at what you can learn from reading magazines,” said Ms. Simpson. “Sometimes just looking at the pictures and reading the words under them—I think they’re called captions or something—can tell you everything you need to know.”

Ms. Simpson said she is confident that her book-of-the-year club, which people can join through a special link on her website, will be a success, despite the fact that she resisted suggestions that members of her club be allowed to substitute seeing a movie based on a book for reading the book itself.

In other news, the paralyzed man who is able to control a computer using only his thoughts, which are relayed to the computer via a sensor implanted in his brain, was able to move a robotic hand while watching the Paris Hilton sex video.    

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