Sunday, May 5, 2024

Paris Hilton Stalker Has Hollywood’s Support

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LOS ANGELES – The Paris Hilton stalker who turned up at her father’s office carrying a knife last week has become an overnight cause celebre in Hollywood. The well-dressed, soft-spoken young man, described by one supporter as “seriously hot,” talked his way into Mr. Hilton’s office after telling the receptionist he was Ms. Hilton’s fiancé.

Security personnel became suspicious, however, when a knife fell out of the stylish, loose-fitting linen jacket the dapper young man wore draped over his shoulders. After a brief discussion, the handsome interloper, whom police identified as Stavros Zorbanopoulis, was taken to the police station, where he was held for questioning under provisions of Los Angeles’ new loitering-with-intent-to-skulk law.

Ms. Hilton spoke briefly with reporters late Friday afternoon upon returning to her house following her monthly high colonic. She said she was considering pressing charges to make an example of Mr. Zorbanopoulis.

As news of the stalker incident spread during the weekend, a groundswell of sympathy arose among Hollywood’s cafe class. One after another, denizens of the nightclub scene spoke out in defense of Mr. Zorbanopoulis.

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“He was just doing what a lot of us have thought about doing,” said ex-teen actress Lindsay Lohan, who has feuded with Ms. Hilton recently over charges that she (Ms. Lohan) had been dating of Ms. Hilton’s former boyfriends. “You can’t really blame him for that, can you?”

“I don’t see what he did that was so terrible,” said former Hilton friend Nicole Richie, who has been feuding with Ms. Hilton for more than a year. “Who among her friends hasn’t thought about sticking a knife between her ribs and twisting it ’til Sunday?”

“If you ask me, this guy ought to get a citation for trying to perform a public service,” said Zeta Graff, who is presently suing Ms. Hilton because she threatened to snatch Ms. Graff baldheaded for dating one of Ms. Hilton’s former boyfriends.

Mr. Zorbanopoulis, who was released on his own recognizance, is currently entertaining several offers of free legal counsel from some of Los Angeles most prominent attorneys. Meanwhile, a website that accepts PayPal donations to the Stavros Zorbanopoulis defense fund has been established at

In other news, the Jessica Simpson Book-of-the-Year Club has postponed its annual meeting, which had been scheduled for July 11, because Ms. Simpson has not had time to finish this year’s selection.    

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